Sci-five | The Hindu Science Quiz: On the first cat in space

A cat looks through the dusty screen door of a house undamaged by the wildfires in the Pacific Palisades, Los Angeles, California, U.S., January 28, 2025.
| Photo Credit: Reuters

Q: How many female cats were trained for the space flight that included Félicette?

Félicette was the first cat to travel to space, launching on October 18, 1963. Félicette was one of 14 female cats trained for the flight.





A: 3

Q: Which country’s space program was Félicette a part of?

She was part of the French space program.

 United States

Soviet Union

United Kingdom 


A: 4

Q: Where did the launch of Félicette’s flight take place?

The flight took place from the Interarmy Special Vehicles Test Centre in Algeria’s Sahara Desert. 

Cape Canaveral, USA

Baikonur Cosmodrome, USSR

Interarmy Special Vehicles Test Centre, Algeria

Kourou Space Centre, French Guiana

A: 3

Q:  How long after ignition was Félicette’s capsule recovered?

The capsule was recovered 13 minutes after the rocket ignited. 

5 minutes

13 minutes

10 minutes

20 minutes

A: 2

Q: What happened to Félicette after she returned to Earth?

Félicette survived the flight and returned to Earth. Two months after the flight, she was put down so scientists could study her body.

She was euthanized for scientific study

She was honoured with a medal and lived peacefully

She was sent on another space mission

She was adopted as a pet

A: 1

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